The difference between a fresh egg and a rotten one.

The problem of freshness of products is observed not only in spontaneous markets, but also in supermarkets "with a name". And if most products have an expiration date, then there is a category of products where you have to determine the freshness "by eye". First of all, these are semi-finished meat products and, of course, eggs. Eating spoiled eggs can lead to both indigestion and more serious diseases that can only be treated in a hospital. To avoid negative consequences, we propose to consider the differences between a fresh egg and a rotten one.

Signs of freshness of unbroken eggs

The easiest way to recognize a rotten egg is to sniff. Rotten eggs have a characteristic unpleasant odor that is difficult to confuse with anything. The second sign is soft shells. When shaking, the yolk should not be felt in the egg, no knocking or hitting the walls, otherwise the egg is rotten.

The yolk is clearly visible in the lumen in a fresh egg. You can also spin an egg on a flat surface: a rotten egg (since it is lighter) will spin for a long time, and a fresh one will quickly stop.

There is another good old-fashioned way to distinguish a fresh egg from a rotten one, based, by the way, on the laws of physics. A fresh egg is heavier than a rotten one, and if you pour 3/4 of water into a glass and lower the egg there, it will quickly sink, but this only applies to eggs no older than three days. Eggs that are one week old will be in the water in an upright position, but the rotten egg will remain on the surface.

Of course, not all of these methods can be used to test eggs in a store. In this case, you need to pay attention to the type of eggs. Because it depends not only on the weight of the eggs, but also on when they were laid. The highest grade includes eggs that were laid three days ago, the first - a week ago and the second - three weeks ago. There is another test method available to advanced buyers in modern supermarkets - to test an egg with a special device - an ovoscope. This device illuminates the eggs, and in the "old" ones, a dark yolk is immediately visible, which is close to the shell or generally sticks to it, or a large air chamber.

Signs of freshness from broken eggs

After breaking an egg, take a close look at the yolk. If the yolk is convex and tight, then the egg is fresh, laid a few days ago. A stale egg (three weeks old) has a flat, yolk, and the white is watery.

A fresh boiled egg is difficult to peel, but a spoiled one is easy.


  1. A rotten egg has a characteristic smell, a fresh egg has no smell.
  2. In a rotten egg, the yolk beats against the walls when shaken, while shaking fresh extraneous sounds are not heard.
  3. When unwinding, a stale egg will spin for a long time, a fresh one will quickly stop.
  4. Spoiled eggs float in the water, and fresh ones drown.
  5. The freshest eggs are assigned the highest grade, those not older than a week - the first, and three weeks old - the second.
  6. If freshness is measured with an ovoscope, rotten eggs will have a large air chamber, a dark yolk.
  7. When broken, a fresh egg has a convex yolk, a stale egg has a watery white and a flat yolk.
  8. If you boil an egg, then a fresh one will not be cleaned well, but the “older” one is easy.