How to cook rice correctly?

It is known that rice is very tasty, but at the same time very capricious product. For many years it has not been possible to ensure that in cooked dishes it is both well-cooked and not sticky, crumbly. For those who do not know how to cook rice correctly, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with some of the subtleties that exist in this simple matter.

Selection cereals

Different varieties of rice differ both in taste and in the ability of the grains to stick together or, conversely, do not stick together for a long time during cooking. So, someone especially likes the delicate taste of round rice. However, cereals of this particular variety are most difficult to prepare crumbly, as you want.

It is a little easier to cope with the task using long-grain rice, although in the finished form it is rather dry. Least of all, specially processed, steamed rice tends to turn into a mess. By purchasing it and preparing it, you can get a delicious dish in which rice will be presented, as they say, grain to grain.

In addition, among the variety of rice varieties, “basmati” can be distinguished. It is ideal for crumbly cooking, and, just as important, it turns out to be soft, airy. The taste of this rice is special, spicy and milky, and its aroma is no less amazing.

Preparing the rice

It is important to remember that you should not cook too much cereal at a time, as this increases the risk of spoiling the dish. It is better to cook rice for one meal than in reserve, especially since after standing it becomes not so tasty anymore. It is advisable to choose the cooking utensils so that the rice layer in it is wider, but thinner. An excellent result will be obtained using a pan that is spacious and with a thick bottom.

The next rule concerns the processing of cereals before cooking. Here, a different approach is applied for different types of dishes. But if you want the grains to separate from each other, the rice must be thoroughly washed. This is done to remove plaque from the grains, which contains starch that can glue the grains together.

In addition, pre-soaked rice is recommended in many recipes. The fact is that the cereal lying in the water is boiled faster and more evenly. And also, using this technique, you can achieve the optimal consistency of the finished rice. If there is no desire to soak the cereal, you can rinse it not just before cooking, but 10 minutes before that.

Ratio of ingredients

In such a question, they usually rely on the fact that water should rise above the rice by the thickness of a finger (one and a half centimeters) or take twice as much liquid as cereals. Most likely, with such proportions, the culinary product will turn out to be successful. But if you delve into the theory, then the ratio of the components also depends on the type of rice.

No less important is the cooking technology itself, which, in turn, affects how much and how quickly water evaporates during the cooking process. But what experienced chefs agreed on was that sometimes you can only create your own formula for making excellent rice through numerous experiments.

Cooking rice

So, starting directly with the cooking process, you must observe the following:

  1. You do not need to salt rice either before cooking or during it. Salt destroys the structure of the grains, making them more sticky, and can irreparably spoil the taste of the cereal. Therefore, the ready-made dish should be salted to taste.
  2. It is also impossible to stir the cereals. This is especially true of the cooking method, when rice is first laid, and then water is poured. From mixing, the grains break, and more starch enters the water, which increases the viscosity of the cereal. In order not to disturb the rice, some even cover it with a plate before adding the water. In the case when the cereal is immersed in already prepared water, it is allowed to gently stir the grains, but only once - at the very beginning, in order to level them.
  3. Cooks who know how to cook rice correctly know that during the cooking process, you should not even slightly lift the lid on a saucepan or frying pan. It is under the intense influence of steam that the grains reach the desired state in the best way, and noticeably faster than when the rice is not covered.

  4. The cooking temperature must be adjusted in such a way: first, the fire must be high to boil the rice as quickly as possible, and then you must immediately reduce the gas strongly or turn the lever on the electric stove so that the cereal slowly boiled down.
  5. It is not necessary to keep the rice on the fire for more than the prescribed time. It becomes more and more viscous with every passing second. But it is not very pleasant to eat undercooked cereals either. Twenty minutes is in most cases the best time to cook it. There is also a method in which rice is cooked for 12 minutes, and then, with the lid closed, the same amount is without fire.
  6. If the rice is not too crumbly, it is recommended to put a soft dry towel on top of the pan for a few minutes to absorb excess moisture.

Boiled rice can be used in completely different ways. If this is a separate dish, then it will become even more aromatic and tasty with butter, and more attractive in appearance - with added canned products (peas, corn). And, of course, rice is considered an excellent side dish for meat products, fish, various salads and snacks.

A video on how you can easily cook delicious rice:
