The difference between a fairy tale and a fable.

A fairy tale is an entertaining work, especially interesting for children. And one of its many varieties is fiction. However, when it comes to comparison, they mean the traditional fairy tale of a magical nature and fiction as a separate peculiar genre. It is in this context that further narration will go.


usually with a happy ending. Historically, folk tales were the first to take shape, passing from mouth to mouth. Many of them have several options. Later fairy tales also appeared in literary creation. Their features: belonging to a specific author and gaining fame only after publication (up to this point, literary tales do not exist in oral form).

Fiction is an absurdity, a joking story depicting an absolutely distorted reality (for example, the tale of how a man put an ax on his leg, girded himself with an ax handle and began to chop wood with a sash). Fiction, like a fairy tale, is present in folk art and in literature. An example of such a work in literature is "Confusion" - the well-known poem by K. Chukovsky.


The fact that both types of narrative have existed among the people since time immemorial testifies to their great importance. After all, folk art weeds out everything that is useless, and the best is firmly rooted in it. However, each of the works has its own function.

The difference between a fairy tale and a fiction lies in the fact that it (a fairy tale), which seemingly represents an invention and a description of miracles, contains deep wisdom. The fairy tale teaches the child the rules of behavior in the family and society and fosters important character traits in him, reveals the main life values ​​to the little listener and makes him respect ancestors. Each fairy tale contains a certain lesson that the child subconsciously or consciously takes out for himself.

Fiction, with its shape-shifters and verbal gibberish, is beneficial. As a deviation from the norm, it strengthens the child in this very norm. The little person increases confidence in his intellect and self-esteem. In addition, such a work develops imagination and free thinking in the best possible way. After all, what is the difference between a fairy tale and a fiction? In the fact that in the latter, reality is completely turned inside out. And this absurdity allows the child to play with concepts and put new meaning into what is already known. [twenty] .