Difference between diathesis and allergy.

Every mother loves her child very much and is always happy with his achievements and successes. But when the baby's cheeks "bloom" and the doctor diagnoses "diathesis", the parents start to sound the alarm. Today we will try to figure out what is the reason for the diathesis and how it differs from ordinary allergies.


Diathesis - it is not a diagnosis or a disease, but only a borderline condition or a predisposition to a disease. It has long been known that the overwhelming number of chronic diseases in humans appears against the background of a predisposition to them. All of these tendencies are determined by the genetic code of each person.

  • So neuro-arthric diathesis is a predisposition to arthritis, gout, diabetes mellitus, obesity. In other words, a child with such a diathesis has a tendency to disrupt the metabolism of uric acid and to disorders of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.
  • Lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis is characterized by a tendency to allergic reactions and frequent infectious diseases.
  • Exudative-catarrhal diathesis (or allergic diathesis) is a disease of early childhood. Such children have reduced resistance to infections, increased sensitivity and vulnerability of the skin and mucous membranes.

Allergy is an acute process that characterizes the reaction of the immune system to one of the allergens (dust, pollen, wool, food, chemicals). The reaction can be very mild and the person may not even suspect that they are suffering from an allergy, or very strong, which is life-threatening. Treatment of allergies is currently possible, but not in all cases and after prolonged therapy.

  • Food allergy is the body's immune response to certain foods. Allergy is expressed in the form of a rash, itching, sore throat, nasal congestion, watery eyes.
  • Anaphylactic shock is a complex pathological process caused by an overreaction to an allergen. It can be caused by drugs, food, or insect bites.


Treatment of diathesis in infants very often includes enterosorbents, and the reason is that allergens tend to accumulate in the digestive tract. It is worth noting that allergic diathesis often appears against the background of overeating. The baby's fragile digestive system cannot cope with the load, for example, when introducing complementary foods. Timely adjusted nutrition and proper treatment of diathesis lead to the fact that most food allergies end already in adolescence and by the beginning of puberty do not turn into allergies.

Conclusions TheDifference.ru

  1. Diathesis is a predisposition to an allergic reaction to certain components. Allergy is the body's immune response to an allergen that has entered it.
  2. Diathesis is not a diagnosis, but a harbinger of allergy, it can gradually develop into it. Allergy is an independent disease, it does not depend on whether the child had diathesis or not.