The difference between sambo and judo.

It may seem to the layman that SAMBO, as a kind of single combat, almost completely coincides with such a fight as judo. However, this is not the case, which I will try to convey in this article, focusing on the differences between sambo and judo.

Sambo (or self-defense without weapons) is a wrestling and sports complex developed in the Soviet Union, based mainly on judo, but not only on it. Therefore, sambo is a hundred years younger than judo and is a mixed martial art.

Judo is divided into two main directions: traditional and sports, and sambo - into traditional and combat. The program of the Olympic Games includes judo, and sambo has not yet been presented. Sambo is in service with the French police, and American policemen and army officials are proficient in judo.

Naturally, the rules of sports sambo and sports judo also differ. For example, in the case of sambo, painful reception on the joints of the legs is allowed, but in judo it is prohibited. The stance of the sambist is lower.

Sambo wrestlers wrestle on a round tatami, and judokas - on a square one. As for the costumes in which the athletes are engaged, the costumes of sambists are more open than the outfit of a judoka. In addition, judokas perform without shoes, while sambists always wear shoes.

Sambo Tournament


  1. Judo is a Japanese martial art that served as the basis for Soviet Sambo
  2. There are differences in the rules of allowed sambo and judo techniques
  3. Sambo is not an Olympic sport, unlike judo
  4. A judoka's outfit differs from a sambist's outfit.