The difference between mission and purpose.

Man is the only intelligent creature on earth who lives and acts consciously. Project management transfers the principles of being to the organization's management structure, giving it a mission and goals. Let's try to differentiate between these concepts, defining what is primary and important, and what is secondary.


Mission - the ideal, the unattainable goal for which the organization was created and for the sake of which it works. The philosophical rationale for the company's activities remains unchanged throughout the entire period of the existence of an enterprise or institution, but it can evolve. The mission is also considered to be the ideology of the organization, its conceptual approach to the principles of interaction with the target group.

Objective is an ideal result that can be achieved in a certain perspective. They must be specific, measurable, time-limited and achievable. The goals are basic and intermediate, and their achievement is necessarily supported by resources, without which the implementation of ideas is impossible.


Thus, the goal is a local object that can be achieved in the short, medium or long term. The organization always has several of them, while all of them are spaced in time. Mission is the global raison d'être of the company. It can be only one, unchanged over a long period of time. As a rule, an ideal situation is chosen as a mission, which can be obtained either in the long term or never. The goals are limited in time, therefore it is their achievement that is the basis for assessing the effectiveness of the organization.


  1. The scope of the concept. Purpose is a broader concept that includes the mission as the main raison d'être of the company.
  2. Quantity. An organization can have many goals, while there is only one mission.
  3. Practical orientation. The mission is global and the goal is local.
  4. Time constraints. When setting goals, the time factor is taken into account, when choosing a mission - not.
  5. Change. As some goals are achieved, others are set before the organization. Changing the mission is impossible without a complete rethinking of the existence of the company and its ideology.