The difference between a scout and a spy.

Often he infiltrates the camp of the enemy and pretends to be "his own." Espionage is an illegal and criminal activity. A scout can obtain information by both legal and illegal methods. The first category includes collecting data from open sources, listening to foreign radio channels, and using special satellites. Illegal operations fall under the term "espionage".

When extracting classified information on the territory of a foreign state, an intelligence officer must wear the uniform of his armed forces. If the agent is captured by the enemy side, he will have the status of a prisoner of war. Whereas in the absence of a form, the person is automatically ranked among the spies. That is, from the point of view of international law, only servicemen who wear the clothes of their armed forces are considered intelligence agents. All other individuals who secretly obtain classified information are by definition spies. They may be subject to criminal prosecution.

To summarize, what is the difference between a scout and a spy.

Scout Spy
Collects information about the enemy in favor of our stateIs engaged in stealing secret information under the leadership of foreign special services
Has a positive reputationThe word is used exclusively in a negative context
Synonyms - informant, informantSynonyms - enemy, traitor
Can obtain data both by legal and illegal methodsCollects information dishonestly
Wears the uniform of his armed forces and acts only on their sideCan infiltrate the enemy's camp and impersonate "his own"
In case of capture by the enemy receives the status of a prisoner of warIf exposed, bears criminal responsibility