Difference between mackerel and mackerel

Mackerel and mackerel on the shelves are different fish. But sometimes both products are sold as "mackerel", which misleads the consumer. In order not to be mistaken when buying fish, you need to know how mackerel differs from mackerel.

General information

The considered commercial fish belong to the mackerel family, all whose representatives spend their lives in the pelagic (not connected to the bottom) zone of the seas. Being predators, mackerel are well adapted to rapid movement in the water. Their plump, elongated body ends in a tail with a wide forked fin. The characteristic features of mackerel are a series of small fins located in the tail, as well as a bony ring around the eyes.

Let us pass from the whole family to the representatives of interest to us. First, let's look at the images of two fish. This is mackerel:And here in the photo - mackerel:


Each of the fish of the same family has its own characteristics. So, the difference between mackerel and mackerel is their size. Mackerel grows larger. Sharp teeth are clearly visible in the powerful jaw of this predator. The belly of the fish is gray or yellowish. The coloration is often mottled, with markings covering both the top and bottom of the carcass.

Mackerel is small compared to other members of the family. In its size, it is inferior to mackerel. Atlantic mackerel prevails on sale. It can be recognized by its picturesque color in the form of stripes passing from the back to the sides, but not affecting the light abdomen.

What is the difference between mackerel and mackerel when you compare their taste? It should be noted here that mackerel is less valuable in terms of nutrition. Its meat is not as tender as that of mackerel. However, as an ingredient in dishes that require lean fish, mackerel is fine. For example, it can be added to a salad after boiling.

Meanwhile, it is better to smoke or salt mackerel, which is more tasty in this form. This fish, unlike mackerel, is oily, which eliminates the need to add oil when roasting.


Mackerel Mackerel
Most often spottedThe commercially available striped color
The meat is somewhat coarse and dryThe meat is more tender, it is rather fatty
Less tastyConsidered more tasty