Difference between crocodile and alligator.

The powerful jaws of these ancient reptiles terrify even those who have never encountered their owners - crocodiles in their lives. It is not for nothing that these closest relatives of dinosaurs outlived their less fortunate relatives. It would seem that it is impossible to confuse crocodiles with someone, however, it turns out that very often crocodiles are identified with alligators. The difference between these representatives of the crocodile genus is also quite noticeable.

External signs

The first thing that catches your eye is the crocodile's teeth. The structure of the jaw of these reptiles is such that even with a closed mouth, the teeth always stick out. With closed jaws, the fourth tooth is especially striking. The crocodile's muzzle, or, as it is commonly called, the snout, has a sharp V-shape. Crocodiles are large enough predators, they can reach 7 meters in length (saltwater crocodiles). Crocodiles have salt glands, which are designed to remove accumulated salt from the body. It is thanks to their work that the stable expression "crocodile tears" arose.

Alligators are smaller than their counterparts, their length rarely exceeds 4 meters. The snout of alligators is blunt and short, slightly flattened. The jaws are of the usual structure. Since alligators do not have salt glands and cannot remove accumulated salt, they cannot live in salt water.

Crocodile face

Alligator muzzle


Crocodiles, due to the peculiarities of the salt glands, adapted to life in salt water. The habitat of crocodiles is extensive: Africa, Asia, Australia, America. Today, there are thirteen species of crocodiles.

Initially, alligators were distributed in Australia, and it was from the name of the Alligator River that they got their name. Today, the population of alligators is small, they are not as common as crocodiles. You can meet these reptiles in the vastness of both Americas, as well as in China. There are only two types of alligators: the Mississippi and the Chinese alligator.


Crocodiles eat whatever food they can handle, be it fish, small mammals or large mammals. Crocodiles hunt mostly at night. They go without food for a long time, there have been cases when the crocodile lived without food for a year and a half. Such a high survival rate was achieved due to fat reserves, because more than 60% of the food that a crocodile eats goes into the fat layer.

Alligators prefer to eat fish, but sometimes small mammals can get to them for dinner. Alligators are resistant to temperature drops and survive even when the thermometer drops below zero. If the temperature returns to normal, alligators return to their normal (nocturnal) lifestyle.

Conclusions TheDifference.ru

  1. Crocodiles are usually larger than alligators.
  2. Crocodiles have a narrow and long muzzle (snout), while alligators have flattened and blunt.
  3. There are thirteen species of crocodiles, and only two species of alligators remain.
  4. Crocodiles are common in Africa, Asia, America and Australia. Alligators are found only in China and America.
  5. Crocodiles are adapted to life in salt water, alligators live exclusively in fresh water.
  6. Crocodiles have special glands that help remove excess salt from the body, alligators do not have salt glands.